Featured Data July 29, 2022

A College-Educated Party?

Kyle Gray

Chart showing percentage of Democrats and Republicans ages 25 and older with a college degree from 1999 to 2021

A College-Educated Party? The Democratic Party has undergone a remarkable transformation over the last two decades. Nearly half (48 percent) of Democrats today have a four-year college degree, a dramatic increase since the last 1990s when only about one in four had a college education. Much of this change is the result of the growing number of college-educated women who identify as Democrat. In the late nineties, only 13 percent of Democrats were college-educated women, but they make up 28 percent of the party today. In contrast, the educational profile of Republicans has changed little over the last two decades. In the late 1990s, three in ten Republicans had a college education, while roughly as many (31 percent) have a college education today.

Survey Reports

Daniel A. Cox, Sam Pressler
August 22, 2024

Disconnected: The Growing Class Divide in American Civic Life

Disconnected: Places and Spaces presents new survey findings that suggest Americans are less connected than ever before.

Daniel A. Cox, Kyle Gray, Kelsey Eyre Hammond
May 28, 2024

An Unsettled Electorate: How Uncertainty and Apathy Are Shaping the 2024 Election

A survey of more than 6,500 US adults focused on the 2024 presidential election reveals a pessimistic and unsettled American electorate fractured by education, ideology, class, and gender.

Generation Z and the Transformation of American Adolescence Cover Image

Daniel A. Cox, Kelsey Eyre Hammond, Kyle Gray
November 9, 2023

Generation Z and the Transformation of American Adolescence: How Gen Z’s Formative Experiences Shape Its Politics, Priorities, and Future

This report explores the foundational differences between American generations through their formative adolescent experiences.

Young man sitting in a dark room before a wall featuring various conspiracy theory-related items illuminated by a computer screen

Daniel A. Cox, M. Anthony Mills, Ian R. Banks, Kelsey Eyre Hammond, Kyle Gray
September 28, 2023

America’s Crisis of Confidence: Rising Mistrust, Conspiracies, and Vaccine Hesitancy After COVID-19

America is experiencing a crosscutting crisis of expertise and scientific distrust accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic that poses significant challenges to democratic debate and public decision-making