A graphic of multiple election 2022 pins on the entire image.

The Peril and Promise of Election Polls

Daniel A. Cox October 31, 2022

How to interpret polls and avoid error ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Continue Reading →

Photograph of pro-choice protestors holding signs
Survey report

Gender, Generation and Abortion: Shifting Politics and Perspectives After Roe

Karlyn Bowman, Daniel A. Cox October 4, 2022

In the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the issue of abortion continues to garner widespread public attention. Young women are following the debate over abortion rights closely and more intensely than other Americans. How will it affect their vote in the upcoming election and their approach to politics? Continue Reading →

A woman's hands holding an open wallet. She has pulled out a one dollar bill.

In a Post-Roe World Will Inflation Still Dominate Our Attention?

Daniel A. Cox May 9, 2022

Following the leaking of a draft opinion that would overturn the Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade, what roll will inflation play in the 2022 midterm election? Continue Reading →


The 2020 Election Was a Perfect Example of the Weaknesses — and Strengths — of Political Polls

Daniel A. Cox November 19, 2020

For those of us interested in understanding the world, polling offers an incredibly useful and cost-effective tool. It’s critical that we get it right. Continue Reading →


The 2020 Election Was Not Primarily About Trump As a Person

Samuel J. Abrams November 9, 2020

Biden will have the challenge of finding common ground with all Americans, but Biden already took the right steps when he declared in his acceptance speech that “It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again.” Continue Reading →

Photo of nails on a board with blue string connecting the heads.

Socially distant: How our divided social networks explain our politics

Jacqueline Clemence October 2, 2020

In the midst of a heated presidential election, health pandemic, and social unrest, it is important to understand how those around us shape our thinking and influence our behavior. Continue Reading →


Trump’s in Danger of Losing Some of His Most Faithful Voters

Daniel A. Cox June 27, 2020

It seems clear that Trump’s response to the COVID-19 crisis has hurt him politically. The AEI survey finds that the public has become increasingly critical of Trump’s response to the pandemic, even among his most loyal supporters. Continue Reading →


Many White Americans Are Ready to Reopen the Economy. Black Americans Aren’t.

Daniel A. Cox, Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux June 16, 2020

Not all Americans are anxious for businesses to reopen. In fact, there is a fairly stark divide among white, black and Hispanic Americans on the subject. Continue Reading →


Does Biden Have a Problem With African American Voters?

Daniel A. Cox, Robert Griffin May 28, 2020

Data suggests Biden may be underperforming with black voters when compared with recent Democratic presidential candidates. If that is happening, it may be because younger black Americans don’t support him as strongly as their elders. Continue Reading →


Religious Americans Agree on Limiting In-Person Services, Split on Returning to Worship as Usual

Daniel A. Cox, Robert Griffin May 22, 2020

Majorities of Americans remain concerned about COVID-19, and it’s unclear what in-person religious services will look like. Continue Reading →

Survey Reports

Daniel A. Cox, Kyle Gray, Kelsey Eyre Hammond
May 28, 2024

An Unsettled Electorate: How Uncertainty and Apathy Are Shaping the 2024 Election

A survey of more than 6,500 US adults focused on the 2024 presidential election reveals a pessimistic and unsettled American electorate fractured by education, ideology, class, and gender. Continue Reading →

Generation Z and the Transformation of American Adolescence Cover Image

Daniel A. Cox, Kelsey Eyre Hammond, Kyle Gray
November 9, 2023

Generation Z and the Transformation of American Adolescence: How Gen Z’s Formative Experiences Shape Its Politics, Priorities, and Future

This report explores the foundational differences between American generations through their formative adolescent experiences. Continue Reading →

Young man sitting in a dark room before a wall featuring various conspiracy theory-related items illuminated by a computer screen

Daniel A. Cox, M. Anthony Mills, Ian R. Banks, Kelsey Eyre Hammond, Kyle Gray
September 28, 2023

America’s Crisis of Confidence: Rising Mistrust, Conspiracies, and Vaccine Hesitancy After COVID-19

America is experiencing a crosscutting crisis of expertise and scientific distrust accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic that poses significant challenges to democratic debate and public decision-making Continue Reading →

A cartoon showing a vibrant office from the ceiling view.

Daniel A. Cox, Brent Orrell, Kyle Gray, Jessie Wall
September 14, 2023

The Social Workplace: Social Capital, Human Dignity, and Work in America, Volume II

The Social Workplace, Volume II examines Americans’ expectations and experiences surrounding work, the workplace, and key job-related priorities such as pay and interpersonal connections. Continue Reading →