No one should underestimate Trump’s chances this year — in fact, before the coronavirus outbreak most Americans said he was likely to be reelected. Continue Reading →
If Democrats plan to coast by on public antipathy alone, they could be in for a rude awakening. Continue Reading →
It’s not surprising that Trump has intruded into our dating lives. Through social media, news coverage, and a barrage of controversial comments, Trump is a feature of American public life. Continue Reading →
Survey report February 6, 2020
Partisan Attachment: How Politics is Changing Dating and Relationships in the Trump Era
The January 2020 American Perspectives Survey explores dating and relationships. Abortion and Donald Trump are key dating dealbreakers for many Americans. Continue Reading →
Survey report October 2, 2019
Public views of political compromise and conflict and partisan misperceptions
The inaugural American Perspectives Survey takes a new look at political compromise, disagreement, and perceptions of the demographic makeup of Democrats and Republicans, revealing topics of agreement and misconception among the public. Continue Reading →