With just a few months before the first votes are cast in the Republican primary, Donald Trump commands a 41-point lead according to the polling average calculated by Real Clear Politics. Even more impressive, his lead appears to have grown in recent months. But Trump’s position is more tenuous than it appears. Continue Reading →
At a time of heightened racial tensions in the US and growing violence against Asian citizens, it is not clear why there would be a sudden surge in positive feeling towards Muslims. Continue Reading →
Commentary November 24, 2020
Could Social Alienation Among Some Trump Supporters Help Explain Why Polls Underestimated Trump Again?

There was a large swing to Trump among white voters who had low levels of social trust — a group that researchers have found is also less likely to participate in telephone surveys. Continue Reading →
Blog September 30, 2020
Democrats and Republicans Believe Their Opponents’ Policies Threaten the National Interest

Lost amid the rhetorical brinksmanship in the fight to replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who recently passed after battling pancreatic cancer, is the reason Republicans believe this particular fight is necessary and why Democrats are unlikely to take a measured response. Continue Reading →
The American National Social Network Survey explains how personal networks and relationships condition personal behavior and influence decisions. Continue Reading →
It seems clear that Trump’s response to the COVID-19 crisis has hurt him politically. The AEI survey finds that the public has become increasingly critical of Trump’s response to the pandemic, even among his most loyal supporters. Continue Reading →
No one should underestimate Trump’s chances this year — in fact, before the coronavirus outbreak most Americans said he was likely to be reelected. Continue Reading →
If Democrats plan to coast by on public antipathy alone, they could be in for a rude awakening. Continue Reading →
It’s not surprising that Trump has intruded into our dating lives. Through social media, news coverage, and a barrage of controversial comments, Trump is a feature of American public life. Continue Reading →
Trump has found young white Evangelicals harder to win over. For many older white Evangelicals, Trump’s vigorous public defense of conservative Christians remains the most compelling reason to support his reelection. Continue Reading →