Blog November 29, 2022

Pro-Choice, Pro-Life or … Both?

Daniel A. Cox

Six dice with the letters P R O L I F E C H O I C E they spell Pro Life and Pro Choice.

American attitudes on abortion are complicated and most Americans don’t fall into the pro-life or pro-choice binary. Continue Reading →

Blog November 7, 2022

The Class Divide in Family Dinner 

Daniel A. Cox

Family dinners—a once ubiquitous feature of American life shared across cultural, religious, and class lines—have disappeared in many households. Continue Reading →

Commentary October 31, 2022

The New Workplace Gender Imbalance: Social Capital and Job Satisfaction

Daniel A. Cox, Brent Orrell, Jessie Wall

A cartoon of three miniature persons sitting on another person's hands that has shrubbery on them.

New data suggests gender and education are the difference between liking and loving your job. But there’s a price to be paid. Continue Reading →

Survey report October 25, 2022

The Social Workplace: Social Capital, Human Dignity, and Work in America

Brent Orrell, Daniel A. Cox, Jessie Wall

A cartoon showing a vibrant office from the ceiling view.

Over the past two decades, American social and civic life has been on an undeniable downward trajectory. New research finds that the workplace remains an increasingly important generator of social capital in the wake of this civic contraction. Continue Reading →

Survey report October 4, 2022

Gender, Generation and Abortion: Shifting Politics and Perspectives After Roe

Karlyn Bowman, Daniel A. Cox

Photograph of pro-choice protestors holding signs

In the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the issue of abortion continues to garner widespread public attention. Young women are following the debate over abortion rights closely and more intensely than other Americans. How will it affect their vote in the upcoming election and their approach to politics? Continue Reading →

The Democratic Party has experienced seismic demographic changes over the past few decades; becoming less Christian, more liberal, more educated, and more racially and ethnically diverse. These changes profoundly impact the Democratic Party’s future political priorities and electoral fortunes. Continue Reading →

Following the leaking of a draft opinion that would overturn the Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade, what roll will inflation play in the 2022 midterm election? Continue Reading →

Survey report March 24, 2022

Generation Z and the Future of Faith in America

Daniel A. Cox

A cartoon drawing of a church. Inside of the church is a pastor looking at empty pews.

The religious and social experiences of young adults today are entirely different than previous generations. New family dynamics and parenting choices are reshaping the religious experiences of young people, setting them on a very different trajectory than past generations and making Generation Z the least religious generation. Continue Reading →

Blog March 14, 2022

Americans Are More Optimistic Than You Think

Samuel J. Abrams

United We Stand sign on American Flag

Groups facing prejudice in the country today are among the most optimistic about the nation’s future. Continue Reading →

Commentary March 13, 2022

We Live in a Nation of Strangers. That Needs to Change

Daniel A. Cox

A black and white photo of a man and woman sitting back-to-back in a train car.

Diversity is not the source of our current problems; our troubling incuriosity about our neighbors is driving disconnection. Continue Reading →

Survey Reports

gender divide banner

Daniel A. Cox, Kelsey Eyre Hammond
September 24, 2024

The Politics of Progress and Privilege: How America’s Gender Gap Is Reshaping the 2024 Election

Americans are increasingly divided on gendered issues. A new report by the Survey Center on American Life provides context for how these divisions might impact the results of the 2024 Presidential election. Continue Reading →

Daniel A. Cox, Sam Pressler
August 22, 2024

Disconnected: The Growing Class Divide in American Civic Life

Disconnected: Places and Spaces presents new survey findings that suggest Americans are less connected than ever before. Continue Reading →

Daniel A. Cox, Kyle Gray, Kelsey Eyre Hammond
May 28, 2024

An Unsettled Electorate: How Uncertainty and Apathy Are Shaping the 2024 Election

A survey of more than 6,500 US adults focused on the 2024 presidential election reveals a pessimistic and unsettled American electorate fractured by education, ideology, class, and gender. Continue Reading →

Generation Z and the Transformation of American Adolescence Cover Image

Daniel A. Cox, Kelsey Eyre Hammond, Kyle Gray
November 9, 2023

Generation Z and the Transformation of American Adolescence: How Gen Z’s Formative Experiences Shape Its Politics, Priorities, and Future

This report explores the foundational differences between American generations through their formative adolescent experiences. Continue Reading →