Commentary August 17, 2023
Boys Aren’t Growing More Conservative. They’re Just Not That Into Politics.
In fact, many young people remain politically noncommittal as they figure out where they fit in. Continue Reading →
After Dobbs, abortion might prove a bigger motivating factor for nonreligious voters than religious, pro-life Americans Continue Reading →
Survey report June 29, 2023
The 2024 Presidential Election: Evolving Political Coalitions and Familiar Partisan Divisions
Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, the AEI Survey Center on American Life conducted a national survey of Americans that explored a wide range of political attitudes, current voting preferences, and perceptions of the political parties. Continue Reading →
White Evangelical Protestants comprise Trump’s base, but cracks are forming along educational and generational lines. What does this mean for 2024? Continue Reading →
A novel survey experiment tests the relationship between LGBTQ identity and political ideology. Continue Reading →
The United States seems to have lost its way as a country. Americans have generally low regard for our political leaders, little faith in our institutions, and even less in each other. Our politics are defined by acrimony and division. We’ve witnessed a decades-long deterioration in civic life and social solidarity. The erosion of traditional Continue Reading →
While immigration has played a central role in American political life in recent years, less attention has been paid to the politics of immigrants themselves. How do different groups of immigrants vary in their political beliefs and attitudes? What role will immigrant communities play in this year’s midterm elections? Continue Reading →
As the dust settles after the 2022 midterm election, researchers are now able to look at how the Dobbs decision impacted voters across the country. While significant attention has been given to the abortion views of men and women of various age groups, less notice has been paid to the similarities and differences of racial and ethnic groups. Continue Reading →
American attitudes on abortion are complicated and most Americans don’t fall into the pro-life or pro-choice binary. Continue Reading →
If we want to understand the evolving role of Hispanic Americans in American culture and politics, one useful on-ramp is studying Hispanics in the workplace. Continue Reading →